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CYPE Connect Steel & Timber M05

A solution that combines the design and analysis of connections in composite structures.






CYPE Connect Steel & Timber M05 is a solution that combines the modelling and analysis of connections between steel and timber structural elements. For connections between steel elements, local buckling conditions are analysed. For connections between timber elements, forces are transmitted from one timber element to another by means of steel elements (fittings). It also includes specific options for anchoring to concrete elements. The program incorporates the OpenSees© analysis engine, developed at the University of California at Berkeley, to carry out analyses using the finite element method (FEM). Options for checking the connections according to the codes for different countries are included. This solution provides advanced tools to ensure the integrity and efficiency of connections in projects with steel and timber structures.

Integration with other BIM project disciplines

The projects developed in this tool can be integrated and made compatible with other project disciplines, thanks to the Open BIM workflow established via the use of the platform.

What's included?



With this module, users can carry out the local buckling analysis of connections in CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel.


This module is used for the modelling, design and graphical documentation of connections between bars in steel structures, in StruBIM Steel and CYPE Connect.


This CYPE Connect module is used for modelling, analysing and graphically documenting the connections between bars in timber structures.


It is a transverse module available for several CYPE applications that activates the operation of the OpenSees (Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation) analysis engine for linear and non-linear structural analysis.


The CYPE Connect Anchors - Concrete anchors module is used for designing anchors and is compatible with both CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel. It is also used as a license to work with StruBIM Anchors ACI 318, for checking anchors in concrete elements based on the ACI standard.

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CYPE Connect

CYPE Connect can model and analyse, in addition to steel element connections, connections between timber structural elements as well as steel-to-timber connections, using the finite element method. This application uses the OpenSees calculation engine.

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StruBIM Uploader

"StruBIM Uploader" is an application developed by CYPE, with which structural models can be incorporated into Open BIM projects that are located on the platform, and this way enabling a connection with visualisation, analysis and post-processing programs of other developers.

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