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Design and detailing of steel structures M32

A solution that combines the structural design and detailing of steel structures, including their foundations. It includes options for non-linear analysis of the structure and allows the design of steel connections using the finite element method and fire resistance checks. It includes the OpenSees© analysis engine, the Portal frame generator tool and options for exporting the structure to DSTV, STEP and IFC EM.11 fabrication formats.






Design and detailing steel structures M32 offers a BIM solution for the design and detailing of steel structures composed of nodes, bars and shells. It includes options for analysing steel sections and other materials, such as concrete, timber, aluminium, generic materials and the analysis of flat shells. The use of ties in stiffened frames in a diagonal shape, and the non-linear analysis via the OpenSees© analysis engine to consider bars only in tension and uplifts at supports. It includes options for the design of reinforced and composite concrete columns and beams and also provides tools for the design of foundations, such as footings, reinforced concrete pile caps and piles, as well as the connection of the structure by means of baseplates. It carries out fire resistance checks and the design of sections or protective cladding according to the corresponding material. It has the CYPE Connect tool for the modelling, design, checking and documentation of various types of steel connections. In this type of connection, local buckling conditions are also analysed and the rotational stiffness of each node is calculated. It ensures the safety and suitability of designs by carrying out analyses following the codes applicable in different countries. It includes the StruBIM Steel tool that enables the modelling or import of a BIM model for the detailing of steel structures, allowing detailed graphical documentation and export in fabrication formats (DSTV, STEP and IFC EM.11) Among its main tools is the Portal frame generator program, which facilitates the generation of rigid portal frame geometry and single and multiple trusses, as well as the automatic generation of wind and snow loads. This combination provides advanced tools to increase productivity and efficiency in the fabrication of steel structures. Together, these modules offer a versatile solution for professionals working in structural design and analysis.

Analysis and design according to standards

CYPE's software includes a wide range of standards from various countries around the world within its native features, allowing users to design and check their projects with greater speed and accuracy.

What's included?



The AL9 module allows CYPE 3D to use the extruded aluminium section editor, which is intended to facilitate the design and checking of aluminium alloy sections with special cross-sections.


The APG module is compatible with CYPE 3D and allows the program to determine the critical load factors and buckling deformations of the structure for each combination analysed by solving an eigenvalue problem.


With this module, users can carry out the local buckling analysis of connections in CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel.


This module is used for the modelling, design and graphical documentation of connections between bars in steel structures, in StruBIM Steel and CYPE Connect.


Transversal module available for several CYPE applications that allows users to export to the standard CIS/2 interchange format to facilitate the data flow between the apps involved in the process for the analysis, design and manufacturing of steel structures.


This module allows users to export to IFC EM. 11 in StruBIM Steel.


Using the ENZ module, CYPECAD and CYPE 3D can design foundations resolved using piles with their respective pile caps. This module also designs strap and tie beams spanning between the pile caps.


The GEP module is the basic module for using the Portal frame generator program and is a prerequisite for its operation. Geometry can be generated and loads can be applied on industrial warehouse-type structures, purlins can be analysed and the geometry and loads can be exported to CYPE 3D.


The M3D module is the basic core of the CYPE 3D tools and is required for the operation of all program versions. When combined with C3D, it facilitates the connection between structures designed in CYPE 3D and CYPECAD by means of the "Integrated 3D Structures" feature.


Using the MAD module, CYPECAD and CYPE 3D analyse and design timber beams and generic bars.


The NLD module is compatible with CYPE 3D and allows the program to perform non-linear analyses of supports with uplift.


This module allows users to insert plastic hinges into bars in CYPE 3D.


The NLT module is compatible with CYPE 3D and allows the program to perform the non-linear analysis of bars that work only in tension.


It is a transverse module available for several CYPE applications that activates the operation of the OpenSees (Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation) analysis engine for linear and non-linear structural analysis.


Using the PHA module, CYPECAD and CYPE 3D design rectangular and circular reinforced concrete columns.


With the PLA module, CYPECAD and CYPE 3D can design, edit and check welded baseplates for any steel column layout and any type of material (rolled, reinforced and cold formed steel).


Using the PMX module, CYPECAD and CYPE 3D design composite steel and concrete columns composed of rectangular or circular concrete columns with an encased steel section, Rolled steel plate box sections, filled with concrete; rectangular, square and circular hollow sections filled with concrete.


With the Q04 module and computers equipped with several parallel processors, users can save a significant amount of time in the analysis process of the associated programs.


The CYPE Connect Anchors - Concrete anchors module is used for designing anchors and is compatible with both CYPE Connect and StruBIM Steel. It is also used as a license to work with StruBIM Anchors ACI 318, for checking anchors in concrete elements based on the ACI standard.


The SI6 module carries out, in CYPECAD and CYPE 3D, the fire resistance check and design of sections or protection cover depending on the material in question.


Using this module in StruBIM Steel, it is possible to create sheets of elements and parts (sections and plates), assembly sheets, connection sheets and sheets with the general views of the model.


The module "UN1" allows CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD to carry out an automatic analysis and design of I section welded connections (including baseplates).


The module "UN2" allows CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD to carry out an automatic analysis and design of I section bolted connections.


The module "UN4" allows CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD to carry out the automatic design of the most common bolted connections of rolled and welded steel I sections in building frames.


The "UN5" module for CYPECAD, its Integrated 3D structures and CYPE 3D, carries out an automatic analysis and design of coplanar hollow structural section connections, like those which are usually provided in flat trusses.


The module "USE" allows CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD to carry out the automatic design of the most common welded connections of rolled and welded steel I sections in building frames.


The VHA module is for use in CYPECAD and CYPE 3D and allows users to introduce and design various types of concrete beams.


In CYPECAD and CYPE 3D, the ZAP module can be used to design foundations made of reinforced concrete rigid footings or mass concrete footings, either isolated or combined, tie and strap beams between footings and, in CYPECAD, strip footings for walls.


In CYPECAD, the ZCA module is used to design foundations with special element intersections, establish polygonal limits of footings, and apply loads on footings, pile caps and strap and tie beams. In CYPE 3D, it facilitates the layout of polygonal limits for footings.


With this module, the CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Foundation elements programs can calculate the sinking load in deep foundations using reinforced concrete piles.


With this module, the CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Foundation elements programs incorporate the structural check of reinforced concrete pile caps for deep foundations.


With this module, the CYPECAD, CYPE 3D and Foundation elements programs incorporate the lateral stability analysis to facilitate the design of deep foundations subjected to significant lateral forces.

icono del programa


CYPE 3D is an agile and efficient program created for the analysis and design of three-dimensional structures with elements made of concrete, steel, composite concrete and steel, aluminium, timber, or any other material, and includes the sizing of connections (welded and bolted connections of rolled and welded steel I sections and hollow structural sections) and their foundations with baseplates, footings, pile caps, and strap and tie beams.

icono del programa

Portal frame generator

Geometric generation of rigid portal frames and simple and multiple trusses. Automatic generation of wind and snow loads. Design and optimisation of roof and lateral purlins. Exports the geometry and loads to the program CYPE 3D.

icono del programa

CYPE Connect

CYPE Connect can model and analyse, in addition to steel element connections, connections between timber structural elements as well as steel-to-timber connections, using the finite element method. This application uses the OpenSees calculation engine.

icono del programa

CYPE Connect Classic

CYPE Connect Classic is a program for designing, checking, and generating the detailing and reports of welded and bolted connections with rolled and reinforced rolled-I sections; welded connections of circular hollow sections; and welded baseplates of steel columns.

icono del programa

StruBIM Steel

StruBIM Steel is a program developed for the creation and maintenance of BIM models for structural steel detailing.This program allows users to create a precise BIM model that includes the necessary elements (sections, plates, bolts, butt welds and anchorage) to define the structure. For the results output the program provides shop drawings in DSTV format.

icono del programa

Foundation elements

Foundation elements designs several types of foundation elements: pile caps, baseplates, footings and strap beams. The program can automatically design and analyse the dimensions of the foundation element and reinforcement, as well as check the input of data, among other tasks.

icono del programa

StruBIM Uploader

"StruBIM Uploader" is an application developed by CYPE, with which structural models can be incorporated into Open BIM projects that are located on the platform, and this way enabling a connection with visualisation, analysis and post-processing programs of other developers.

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