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- Energy and lighting simulation M06
Energy and lighting simulation M06
A BIM solution designed to analyse thermal and lighting factors in buildings.
Analysis and design according to standards
CYPE's software includes a wide range of standards from various countries around the world within its native features, allowing users to design and check their projects with greater speed and accuracy.
What's included?
This module can be used to carry out the numerical analysis of linear thermal bridges in accordance with ISO 10211 in CYPETHERM EPlus and CYPETHERM BRIDGES.
This module is used to check for the existence of surface and interstitial condensation in accordance with ISO 13788 in CYPETHERM EPlus and CYPETHERM HYGRO.
This module is used to carry out the interior lighting check in accordance with EN 12464-1 to be carried out in CYPELUX EN.
This module allows the energy audit of the building and the analysis of possible improvement measures, including the energy and economic analysis of the different alternatives, using CYPETHERM Improvements Plus and CYPETHERM Improvements.
This module can be used with the CYPELUX LEED program, which checks compliance with the indoor environmental quality requirements related to natural light as set out in the LEED certification.

IFC Builder
IFC Builder is a free CYPE application designed for the creation and maintenance of IFC building models.

CYPETHERM EPlus is an application for the simulation and modelling of buildings with EnergyPlus™.

Thermal load calculation of buildings according to the Radiant Time Series Method (RTSM), proposed by ASHRAE, integrated in the Open BIM workflow.

CYPETHERM BRIDGES is a program designed to determine the thermal transmittance in linear thermal bridges by solving and processing a heat transfer finite element model based on the EN ISO 10211 standard.

CYPETHERM HYGRO is a program created to calculate the internal surface resistance factor considering the critical surface humidity and interstitial condensation in building elements. The program carries out the calculation based on the hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements in accordance with the analysis method of the ISO 13788:2012 standard.

CYPELUX is a free tool created to calculate the lighting levels of normal and emergency lighting installations.

CYPETHERM Improvements
CYPETHERM Improvements is a tool for energy audits and analysis of improvement measures in buildings.

CYPETHERM Improvements Plus
CYPETHERM Improvements Plus is a program designed to carry out the energy audit of buildings and analysis of possible improvement measures, with an energy and economic study of the different alternatives, aimed at connecting with CYPETHERM programs with the EnergyPlus™ analysis engine (CYPETHERM EPlus, CYPETHERM HE Plus and CYPETHERM SCE-CS Plus).